Privacy Policy

(Updated on 24 July 2023)


Healing Guildford (HG) is a Christian voluntary ministry based in and around the Guildford area of Surrey. This policy explains: (i) our online digital policy, (ii) how we collect, use, store and respond to quests for access to any personal data that we may receive and store. If you have any questions about this privacy policy then we can be contacted on:

1. Data & Information

Whilst active in the community or in town centres doing our ministry activities, upon your request and with your agreement, we may collect certain personal information for us to have further contact with you. For example, to request more information; to have a follow up conversation; sign up for an event or submit a request to volunteer with the Healing Guildford ministry. We do so to ensure we can complete any request you made of us, or to provide you with the most relevant information.

Data Scope

This policy specifically applies to:

  • all records that are created, handled, stored, or processed by Healing Guildford,
  • electronically (soft copy) or in paper (hard copy) form.

Received Data

The sources or origination of data that we receive falls generally into three types. (i) via either email or the ‘Contact’ form of the HG website. (ii) via person-to-person street encounters whilst we minister on the streets or in the community. (iii) from individuals who may want to join in our ministry and work. This policy relates solely to our privacy policy, relating to how we manage data received via the HG website. Other information has also been included that relates to points ii and iii above in this paragraph.

Sensitive Data

We class certain pieces of personal data as ‘sensitive.’ In asking for follow-up contact, you may volunteer sensitive information that may include religious beliefs or your health information. If you provide this information to us, we may store it to ensure we communicate clearly and helpfully with you in the most relevant and timely way.

Follow-Up Meetings

When we interact with you on our street ministry, we may with your consent, agree to have a follow-up meeting, typically in a coffee shop but possibly to an event. We will obtain information from you such as your name and mobile or email details, to arrange when to next meet up. Once our interaction with you is complete this information will be deleted. Information volunteered by members of the public is stored securely and is only accessible by team leaders of Healing Guildford who have a legitimate reason to access the information. We collect this data to facilitate follow-up responses and then it is later deleted.

Volunteering for HG

We also collect basic contact information from those that sign-up to volunteer with Healing Guildford. This would be name, email, telephone details and which Christian community you belong or attached to. We will retain this information to: (i) Add your record to a particular street team within Healing Guildford team, (ii) send you our updates/newsletters, plus (iii) to share your contact details with your other team members, to help with planning and scheduling.

Consent & Data Processing

We will process your personal data based on the consent you provide us with. In practice, this means that we will contact you by email and phone only if you have given us permission to do so. You are free to change your preferences at any time by contacting us by telephone or email, using the details shown below.

Legitimate Interest

Contacting the right supporters at the right time. We may write to our supporters occasionally by post to inform them of our work or of opportunities to get involved. When you make a donation, a series of donations, express an interest in our work, or show a potential to give to our work, we will rely on our legitimate interest in order to collect additional information as noted above. This helps us to identify those supporters who would benefit from an initial discussion with us.

Volunteering with Healing Guildford

Where you provide personal data and sensitive personal data when applying to volunteer with Healing Guildford, we will process, store and disclose this personal data to support the registration process.

Data Storage

We will keep your personal information only for as long as we consider it necessary to carry out each activity. Once the follow-up activity has concluded, we delete the data. We ensure that access to personal data is restricted only to those staff members or volunteers whose job roles require such access. Typically, we may store and process any received data in email folders but also in a document that sits within our Google drive account. This account is password protected and only the HG leaders have access to this. We ensure that we comply with the Data Protection Act 2018, and we take steps to ensure that your data is stored and processed securely. When you share your data with us, you agree to it being stored and processed in this way.

Data Sharing

We do not share or sell any personal data with other groups or charities. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Legal Duty

If legally required by law or by a regulatory body, we may need to pass on information. For example, a Gift Aid audit by the HMRC, or if asked for details by a law enforcement agency.

2. Cookies

Like many websites, Healing Guildford uses web browser cookies. These are small text files that are made by your web browser when you visit a website. Cookies are used to enhance your browsing experience whilst on the HG website and they can help us identify which bits of our website people are using. This also help us improve the HG website user experience. A cookie is a text file that is sent from our website as soon as you visit the site. It is stored on your computer’s hard drive and helps us to identify your computer (not you) and collects information in an aggregate, anonymous way. Cookies may be used to collect information about your visit to our website, for example, traffic data, location data, device information, the date and time of your visit and the pages that you visit. The use of cookies is an industry standard for most major websites. The cookie data that we collect we may use to:

  • Customise the content on our website and to help us understand visitor’s current and future needs;
  • Process any requests, applications or transactions you may make;
  • Aid internal administration and analysis.

Managing Cookies

Most browsers allow you to turn off the cookie function. To do this you can look at the help function on your browser. For a video about cookies visit:

Third Party Cookies

We may use websites or digital services such as: Google calendar, Google analytics, YouTube, Vimeo, etc and you may be sent cookies from these websites. We do not control the setting of these cookies, so if necessary, you can check any third party websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them. As some of these services may be based outside of the UK, they may not fall under the jurisdiction of UK courts. If this presents any issues for you, you can change your cookie settings (see above).

Changing or Updating Your Preferences

We want to ensure that we communicate with you in the way that best suits you. You can change your preferences on what you receive from us, including any newsletter materials, or how we contact you, by phone or email, at any time. You can also let us know if your contact details change. You can do so by using the following email address:

Access To Your Information

You have the right to request details of the information we hold about you. To do so, please send an email to: In line with regulations, we will respond within 30 days.

Changes to this Policy

We may amend this policy from time to time to take account of changes to our processes or changes to data protection or other legislation. If we make any significant changes to this policy, we will show this clearly on our website. By continuing to use our website you will be deemed to have accepted these changes.